Harris letter

Dear Bill:

Having long admired your oratorical style and writing, I was disappointed in the short-sighted editorial of April 10 for I will be the next senator from Florida.

While beating an incumbent is never easy, we now have the team, initial funding and the grassroots support throughout Florida to help insure our victory in November. I have won seven elections, and beaten two incumbents (one in a statewide election by over 20 points) while almost always the underdog and rarely with the endorsements of Florida's newspapers.

My campaign is engaging Bill Nelson for the fall. The voters of this state have a clear choice between the incumbent and me. I have a strong record of accomplishment fighting for Floridians. My opponent has little to show and was named by his own Democratic icon, Governor Lawton Chiles as an "empty suit." As you accurately noted, my American Conservative Union lifetime rating is 91 percent yet the incumbent's voting record was rated more liberal than Hillary Clinton's by the respected bipartisan National Journal last year. The differences between us are clear with regard to our vision for Florida's future, preserving our shared traditional values, and sustaining Florida's vibrant economy.

What is not clear is why beltway insiders continue to attack our campaign. I am not concerned with the Washington-elite nor the national media. What matters most are the voters of Florida as we win their hearts and minds at every grassroots event - republicans, democrats, and independents. Voters care about the issues - like protecting our borders while securing jobs, available healthcare as well as affordable housing, the price of gas and adequate roads. Moreover, I am encouraged by our party-faithful - those who vote, those who canvass neighborhoods, those who man phone banks - they're behind me, Bill. Why? Because they know I will fight for their future. And they know I will stand up to the boys in Washington when I think they're wrong.

Despite the recent bumps our campaign has encountered, we are steering this campaign in the right direction today by bringing Floridians a message of hope and a brighter future. They don't care about internal party politics or whomever is my campaign manager -- only D.C. insiders, power-brokers, and the lobbyists on K Street in Washington care about this gossip. This is irrelevant to Florida voters.

But to quench Washington's thirst for what others have to say, listen to what leaders in my state are saying about me.

Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives, Alan Bense recently said:
"I support Katherine. She's a hard worker. She's a very good campaigner. And I wish her the best. When we're done with the session, I'll do all I can to help her." (St. Pete Times, 04/07/06)

Or Paul Senft, Florida's GOP National Committeeman, and Polk County Commissioner. He said: "Katherine, I want you for my U.S. senator." (Lakeland Ledger, 04/09/06)

And from Al Cardenas, former chairman of the Florida Republican Party:
'If she concentrates on taking it to Bill Nelson, she'll have a great chance.'' (Miami Herald, 03/17/06)

This from Senator Mel Martinez:
"Katherine Harris is going to make a great U.S. Senator." (Sarasota Herald-Tribune, 03/05/06)

And of course, Governor Bush, who told the media we could win just months ago, last week said of my campaign, "It can be turned around."

We are turning it around. We're turning it around by focusing our attention on the issues that matter most to Floridians. We're turning it around by pointing out the differences between my opponent and me. And we're turning it around by being accessible to the media, and to the voters.

Certainly our efforts would be made easier without the negative reports from the media encouraged by D.C. insiders. I am committed to the people of Florida, and am committed to this race. We're focused on November and we are determined to win. Bill, come campaign with us in Florida some weekend. See the hope Florida voters share with me and catch our vision. The weather is beautiful and it would do you some good to get out of Washington, D.C. to hear what real voters say about Katherine Harris.


Katherine Harris
