Maybe if they spent more time on policy and less time policing me and my cell phone. Paranoia of the people your paid to protect never works.

Cheney once considered vice presidency "cruddy job"
Mon Jul 23, 2007 8:20AM EDT
By Steve Holland
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Dick Cheney once considered the vice presidency a "cruddy job" but got over his misgivings and went on to be arguably the most powerful No. 2 in U.S. politics, and one of the most heavily criticized.
The 66-year-old Cheney's stoic, no-nonsense demeanor and influence in many White House decisions are in stark contrast to his youthful days when he was caught twice for drunk driving in Wyoming and dropped out of Yale University for bad grades.
Cheney's life has been chronicled in a fairly sympathetic biography by Stephen Hayes, a writer for The Weekly Standard conservative magazine. He spent nearly 30 hours in one-on-one interviews with the normally reticent Cheney for the book.
In his research Hayes found that Cheney in 1996 called the vice presidency a "cruddy job," which his political mentor, President Gerald Ford, had hated. But by 2000 Cheney was persuaded to accept when George W. Bush offered the position.
Cheney's role as a behind-the-scenes adviser has fed a left-wing stereotype that he is Bush's dark, brooding puppetmaster and advocate of war and torture, an image the media-averse Cheney has done little to change.
"He is pathologically (but purposefully) secretive, treacherous toward colleagues; coldly manipulative of the callow, lazy, and ignorant president he serves," Hendrik Hertzberg, a former speechwriter for Democratic President Jimmy Carter, wrote in The New Yorker.
Cheney's insistence that his office did not fall under Bush's executive branch as a way to avoid providing records to a government oversight agency also has drawn fire.
Satirical cartoonist Garry Trudeau featured Cheney in his Doonesbury comic strip as in charge of a secretive "black branch" of the U.S. government. "My shirt size is classified," the Cheney character says in the strip.
The vice president's office shrugs off the criticism. The White House said Cheney remains a close Bush adviser. "Always has been and will remain so," spokeswoman Dana Perino said



I'm sure its a hard job, and yes people tend to not like you, but especially when you use it to help your friends profit and then move to Dubai.

Had Halliburton not so blatently given the middle finger to the people who pay its bills, U>S>, and moved to Dubai, I might...

Nope, he's a paranoid, hateful, and scheming man who lured 1/2 the country into thinking the same way. Not only that, he has been in more positions of power than almost any other man in the history of american politics and with the exception of the amazingly quick and painless victory in the first Desert Storm(for oil) (mostly Sec.Powell anyways) he has accomplished nada. 30-40 years of government service and 3/4ths of the public hates you? GO HOME, leave it for someone else, your not needed anymore. There is no call for public service that would say these people hate me, i want to help them. It's pure malice. According to Wayne Madsen a couple of months ago, (in the archives here ) Cheney lost three nukes when he was Reagan's Sec of defense, and you know what, i still think he did a better job then.

I hope it was worth it Dick, Just cause you and Bush, and Bumsfeld, and Wolfy, all got made fun of as kids for having funny names, doesn't make you a good politician.

Word of advice, lets not vote ironically anymore America, anyone with names like the guys in this administration harbors big grudges and looks for big sticks.
