Nerd Lert

Lost my King in the weeds at beaver today after a wobbly forehand  anhyzer.
peaches says we'll find her,she was inked, but i'm  still mopey cause Steve gave her to me after i lost my finnish Polska from Westside by the escarpment. Picked up a new one but she's skinnier... also found an Archon, and added a Black Swan and Halo to the line up. We'll see.

Still, got the weekend off and Origins! to look forward to. Psyched about Blessed Spirits, The Orbs, and, of course, the Disciple. Blue gets no support? Not anymore. Hope Scotty is at the den when Flash and I delve into the battlescape Saturday. Plus got a smooch from Sue after I spray painted the lentil's bedroom (and dedicated my afternoon to developing new methods of grime control at L'Amy's) . And the ever lovin lovely Wilson Sisters treated me to all you can Trace at Jakes . Thanks Swissy! Could be worse.
Or, to quote Vonnegut's Uncle, "If this isn't nice, what is?".

Love you all,
