Liberal Grinch Syndrome

Besides the prevelence of "Levon" as some new form of cynical Classic Rock christmas song being pushed by the "horn-dog" and the "cooter" on WBTFX, i was also overwhelmed this last week as I traveled the south ( Ga. and Va.) with the suprising revelation that I was trying to steal the holidays. The fire eaters of southern talk radio would not let it die, except when it was time again to spin holly jolly christmas for the 4 zillionth time.

Even though the g.o.p. was suffering major blows in the form of Kerik, Rumsfeld, National parks digging, Iraq, and just about any issue you can name, somehow the real story was the four to ten different law cases in the country involving religion and government.

After a while I realized that what it really was, besides a ploy to divert attention away from the real issues, an attempt to trick foolish g.o.p. sympathizers into spending more this Christmas.

Thats really it.

the last couple have been kinda crappy, and the country needs to do some spending.
So, we'll whip up a liberal grinch syndrome.

Now, I hate Christmas, it's true. It just irks me and then the music and decorations start and I start to wonder what planet I belong on.

I buy gifts, I try to smile, get it over with. quicker the better.

But, as a "liberal" it pisses me off that guys like hannity and o'rielly will rile up this pot and leave it to local doofus's to take it to the extreme.
Don't blame us that the season doesn't meet your estimated profit projections and nobody is buying you books.

please, foxnews, stop it.
