Well, the numbers are in and it turns out that not only can religious well, christian, organizations avoid paying taxes, but they can also get huge amounts of money from the government through the taxpayers! Now, obviously this raises the question of government and religion. And while I will not speak out against certian organizations like the boy scouts who have some religious undertones, I will say that I do not want my taxes going to foolish programs that defeat the entire process of our education system.More to the point, my taxes are going to promote abstinence in high school (real good luck there!) and methanphetimine awareness classes in church. You know what? If the church wants to involve itself, then great, but don't expect me to happily turn over my money for more fundamentalist nonsense when it is obvious that the boulder will keep rolling back down unless we push it differently. I hope the American people take notice of this,and realize how our steps seem to be going in the wrong direction. The government should never pay to try and get us to believe in God. thats our choice.