Robo-warriors- the beginning of our demise as predicted in terminator 1,2,3 and probably Arnolds election campaign.

The nature of warfare is about to take a stunning leap further into the dehumanizing domain of video game-style killing. While fighter pilots bombing cities from thousands of feet above and watching the carnage unfold on onboard screens as if it were a movie or video game is not new, this latest weapon truly is. While the SWORDS is more remote control car than autonomous Terminator-style killing machine, it certainly is a step towards that direction. This is truly a revolutionary moment in the history of warfare, and I’m sure it will be interesting to see how the SWORDS will perform in Iraq.

Defense firm Foster-Miller's weaponized robots are on the way to Iraq

The rain is turning to snow on a blustery January morning, and all the men gathered in a parking lot here surely would prefer to be inside.

But the weather couldn’t matter less to the robotic sharpshooter they are here to watch as it splashes through puddles, the barrel of its machine gun pointing the way like Pinocchio’s nose.

The Army is preparing to send 18 of these remote-controlled robotic warriors to fight in Iraq beginning in March or April.

Well then, at least to me it has become apparent that we will continue our role in the middle east as well as our other world affairs with an iron fist instead of an open ear. I guess that has been obvious for a while, but I just hope that people will start to see that over the arc of humanities existence, the trend has been always tword a civilized society. Even though we made the most significant jumps in race and sex equality this previous century, the trend has continued. I am worried that the current state of warfare will de-sensitize people to the fact that all the major peace movements throughout history in terms of human rights have been fought and won through non-violence. or as moore puts it, violence begets violence. People must want and value and understand the responsibilities of freedom before they can fight for it, and to use the sword to defend it as often as we do does not lend creedence to democracies glory. You can't always force people to do what you want, but you can always ask and educate them and hope that the tide turns your way. With America attempting to make it's mark come hell or high water on this century in global politics, one must wonder what other incursions our new robotic millitary might endevor upon. And will the American public be more likely to accept a war where only the inhabitants of the occupied area were injured or killed, as opposed to our current physical millitary. I know it's science fiction, but if you build war-bots, your planning on using them for a while. We are on an escalator with no end.
