Novak's losing it.

Carville persisted, saying: "You got to show those right-wingers that he's got backbone... the Wall Street Journal editorial page is watching. Show 'em you're tough."

An angry Novak shot back, "I think that's bull****, and I hate that." Then to the show's host, Ed Henry, he added, "Just let it go," before standing up from his seat, unclipping his microphone and walking off the set.

Carville and Henry continued the discussion without pausing, but Henry acknowledged Novak's departure at the end of the hour, saying he was sorry "Bob Novak left the set a little early."

"Bob Novak's behaviour on CNN on Tursday was inexcusable and unacceptable," the network said.
"Novak has apologised to CNN, and CNN apologises to its viewers for his language and actions. We've asked Novak to take some time off."
