Year old Nobot review

Anonymous - 09-Sep-04 11:11 PM
Props are due to discogs for its intricate interweaving of artists, releases and labels. A "six degrees of separation" connection led me from the Obliq label to this fairly new compilation from the folks at Nobot Media. I'm suprised that Nobot Media hasn't gotten more attention. Meandering without being directionless, contemplative without being snooze-inducing - a perfect balance of acoustic elements and electronic treatments. A slowly strummed guitar, a moogish wah-wah, aptly placed silence and a relaxed deep backbeat keep it all afloat. There's an open feeling - a spaciousness conveyed in many of the tracks that I've rarely come across in idm. Yet, there's also this sort of seemingly effortless deliberation in the composition and the sounds that each artist has chosen to employ that ranks this stories above a generic downtempo collection.
