~Buying the Iraqi press ~Wanted to bomb Al-Jazeera ~No water or electricity in Iraq ~Cindy Sheehan shunted ~Harriet Miers ~Jessica Lynch ~Soldiers serving well after their agreed enlistment time ~President won't hold press conferences ~President only speaks to cherry-picked audiences ~Plame Outing ~Scooter Libby ~Spy in Cheney's office ~Jean Schmidt ~Wage stagnation ~Halliburton in New Orleans and Iraq ~Outsourcing of jobs ~Money printed in Iraq ~NO WMD ~Yellow Cake ~Rove ~No victory gauge ~No armor for soldiers either Iraqi or American ~Outsourcing the building of Marine 1 Helicopters ~Fighter jets sold to Pakistan by W...on a Saturday ~No accuracy in unemployment rate reporting ~SEC has become a joke ~Hedge funds aren't regulated ~No war strategy ~Downing Street Memos ~Borrowing from the communists ~$330,000 a month to Chalabi ~Bush housing Saudis ~Where's UBL ~Flew UBL's family out of the country after he bombed us ~No border security ~Gas prices ~Home heating prices higher than ever in history ~IRS auditing churches ~Price of war way underestimated ~Bayoil ~Closed session of Senate accomplished nothing the GOP said it would ~Pre-war intel was/is fixed ~Alabama voted for Jeff Sessions (how can that be?) ~Environmental laws absolutely gutted ~Middle class forgotten all-together ~Redistricting to rig elections ~Patriot Act ~Civil rights eroded/gutted ~Treatment of Michael Schiavo ~GOP votes against EVERY inquiry of wrong-doing ~9/11 commission ignored completely ~Programs for the neediest gutted ~Education budged harshly slashed ~Terror alerts subsided after Keith Olbermann finally exposes the coincidences ~Every document is classified ~Most secretive president ever ~Curveball ~Interstates inadequate for mass evacuations ~What was the Noble cause ~Everyone in NOLA have life insurance(?) ~Blaming Tenet for the "slam dunk" comment and then aw
Posted by: bibimimi~☆♪♪♪ ♡ at April 24, 2006 01:33 PM
Damning Evidence of ‘Big Oil’ Conspiracy To Limit Supply “As observed over the last few years and as projected well into the future, the most critical factor facing the refining industry on the West Coast is the surplus refining capacity, and the surplus gasoline production capacity. The same situation exists for the entire U.S. refining industry. Supply significantly exceeds demand year-round. This results in very poor refinery margins, and very poor refinery financial results. Significant events need to occur to assist in reducing supplies and/or increasing the demand for gasoline.” --Internal Texaco document, March 7, 1996 “A senior energy analyst at the recent API (American Petroleum Institute) convention warned that if the U.S. petroleum industry doesn’t reduce its refining capacity, it will never see any substantial increase in refining margins…However, refining utilization has been rising, sustaining high levels of operations, thereby keeping prices low.” --Internal Chevron document, November 30, 1995 Excerpts from The Oil Industry, Gas Supply and Refinery Capacity: More Than Meets the Eye (PDF), a 2001 investigative report by Senator Wyden of Oregon outlining how, over a period of ten years, Big Oil companies orchestrated the current crisis in oil prices.
Posted by: I at April 24, 2006 01:35 PM
still more:
~Blaming Tenet for the "slam dunk" comment and then awarding Medal of Freedom ~Elderly deaths went way up during the Social Security Savagery ~Dems can't add amendments to legislation ~Over 60% of elections won by less than 4% ~Sensenbrenner walked off with the gavel during Patriot Act hearing ~Tax cuts to ship jobs away ~Soldiers getting Purple Heart collections ~Fox News isn't biased ~Veterans benefits cut ~No exception for soldiers in the Bankruptcy Reform Bill ~Internet threatened with regulation ~Every shopping bag at Wal-Mart is made in Singapore ~Bianca ~Still ignoring NOLA ~Creating immigration laws that take affect in 5 years ~Pat Robertson and James Dobson tell their congregation how they should vote ~Jerry Falwell too ~Corruption is the norm ~No timetable for when the debt will be paid ~DOW was at 11,770 when Bush took office 5 years ago ~Dollar is losing value ~Haven't defined what is/isn't torture for all to hear ~Trade agreements are not even close to fair ~Ports left unprotected ~Definition of a terrorist is ever so vague ~GOP claims to have different degrees of Neo-Cons (but they all vote exactly the same) ~Swift-Boating John Kerry ~What is the Skull and Bones Society? ~Drownie was kept on the payroll ~Drownie was never fired ~Newt touring with Hillary ~How many soldiers in an Iraqi Batallion? ~Max Cleland was treated like a piece of shit ~Why were helicopters used to find the people, trying to escape the rising waters, pounding on their roofs from inside their attics? ~5 deferments ~Nuclear option ~Ethics committee couldn't get Cunningham 2 years after it was known that his house was sold to a defense contractor for $700,000 over its value as he lived on that contractor's yacht ~20% tax on land phone lines ~12% on cell towers ~Diesel fuel is 50 cents higher than gasoline ~Home by Christmas ~Establishing a democracy and not a Republic? ~Jeb doesn't have FEMA woes ~War profiteering ~Health care ~Armstrong Wil
Posted by: bibimimi~☆♪♪♪ ♡ at April 24, 2006 01:35 PM
Armstrong Williams ~Sure quote Lieberman a lot ~Caspian Sea pipeline ~If it's a Reform Bill or Deregulation Bill the result is never better quality or more affordability ~Cheney said he was glued to the TV all week like everyone else ~Christian values never reflected in legislation ~Jeff Gannon ~Nobody accountable for anything ~Smoking in the rotunda ~Loaded SCOTUS ~MZM ~Chuck Hagel was CEO of ES&S ~Offshore accounts of members ~No mistakes come to mind ~Niger ~Haley Barbour told us FEMA was there on Tuesday ~No scandals given credence ~Math is spun (math don't lie) ~Government is largest in over 200 years ~Looking under a desk for WMD's ~Non-combative protestors arrested ~Soviet Gulags ~Superdome ~Opium export in Afghanistan up 2000% ~Hannity is a Pussy ~Ready for a Category 6? ~Global warming ignored ~Hans Blix ~Pakistan earthquake money ~Private prison stockholders ~George H W Bush runs Pharma ~Ambassador to the Vatican? ~Rush never busted on possession charges ~Bill Bennett ~Joe Wilson ~Indian Casino lobbying for how much? ~We aren't safer ~SCOTUS chose our President ~Carnival cruise line contract after Katrina ~Able Danger ~Ken Lay ~Harken Energy ~Rupert Murdoch ~Blatant over-charges in Iraq and NOLA ~Bird Flu vaccine for only 20 million ~Name 4 pieces of legislation passed by the Republicans that Adolf Hitler would NOT have applauded as a good start.... - lpepsi2004, 04.22.2006
Posted by: bibimimi~☆♪♪♪ ♡ at April 24, 2006 01:37 PM
~Buying the Iraqi press ~Wanted to bomb Al-Jazeera ~No water or electricity in Iraq ~Cindy Sheehan shunted ~Harriet Miers ~Jessica Lynch ~Soldiers serving well after their agreed enlistment time ~President won't hold press conferences ~President only speaks to cherry-picked audiences ~Plame Outing ~Scooter Libby ~Spy in Cheney's office ~Jean Schmidt ~Wage stagnation ~Halliburton in New Orleans and Iraq ~Outsourcing of jobs ~Money printed in Iraq ~NO WMD ~Yellow Cake ~Rove ~No victory gauge ~No armor for soldiers either Iraqi or American ~Outsourcing the building of Marine 1 Helicopters ~Fighter jets sold to Pakistan by W...on a Saturday ~No accuracy in unemployment rate reporting ~SEC has become a joke ~Hedge funds aren't regulated ~No war strategy ~Downing Street Memos ~Borrowing from the communists ~$330,000 a month to Chalabi ~Bush housing Saudis ~Where's UBL ~Flew UBL's family out of the country after he bombed us ~No border security ~Gas prices ~Home heating prices higher than ever in history ~IRS auditing churches ~Price of war way underestimated ~Bayoil ~Closed session of Senate accomplished nothing the GOP said it would ~Pre-war intel was/is fixed ~Alabama voted for Jeff Sessions (how can that be?) ~Environmental laws absolutely gutted ~Middle class forgotten all-together ~Redistricting to rig elections ~Patriot Act ~Civil rights eroded/gutted ~Treatment of Michael Schiavo ~GOP votes against EVERY inquiry of wrong-doing ~9/11 commission ignored completely ~Programs for the neediest gutted ~Education budged harshly slashed ~Terror alerts subsided after Keith Olbermann finally exposes the coincidences ~Every document is classified ~Most secretive president ever ~Curveball ~Interstates inadequate for mass evacuations ~What was the Noble cause ~Everyone in NOLA have life insurance(?) ~Blaming Tenet for the "slam dunk" comment and then aw
Posted by: bibimimi~☆♪♪♪ ♡ at April 24, 2006 01:33 PM
Damning Evidence of ‘Big Oil’ Conspiracy To Limit Supply “As observed over the last few years and as projected well into the future, the most critical factor facing the refining industry on the West Coast is the surplus refining capacity, and the surplus gasoline production capacity. The same situation exists for the entire U.S. refining industry. Supply significantly exceeds demand year-round. This results in very poor refinery margins, and very poor refinery financial results. Significant events need to occur to assist in reducing supplies and/or increasing the demand for gasoline.” --Internal Texaco document, March 7, 1996 “A senior energy analyst at the recent API (American Petroleum Institute) convention warned that if the U.S. petroleum industry doesn’t reduce its refining capacity, it will never see any substantial increase in refining margins…However, refining utilization has been rising, sustaining high levels of operations, thereby keeping prices low.” --Internal Chevron document, November 30, 1995 Excerpts from The Oil Industry, Gas Supply and Refinery Capacity: More Than Meets the Eye (PDF), a 2001 investigative report by Senator Wyden of Oregon outlining how, over a period of ten years, Big Oil companies orchestrated the current crisis in oil prices.
Posted by: I at April 24, 2006 01:35 PM
still more:
~Blaming Tenet for the "slam dunk" comment and then awarding Medal of Freedom ~Elderly deaths went way up during the Social Security Savagery ~Dems can't add amendments to legislation ~Over 60% of elections won by less than 4% ~Sensenbrenner walked off with the gavel during Patriot Act hearing ~Tax cuts to ship jobs away ~Soldiers getting Purple Heart collections ~Fox News isn't biased ~Veterans benefits cut ~No exception for soldiers in the Bankruptcy Reform Bill ~Internet threatened with regulation ~Every shopping bag at Wal-Mart is made in Singapore ~Bianca ~Still ignoring NOLA ~Creating immigration laws that take affect in 5 years ~Pat Robertson and James Dobson tell their congregation how they should vote ~Jerry Falwell too ~Corruption is the norm ~No timetable for when the debt will be paid ~DOW was at 11,770 when Bush took office 5 years ago ~Dollar is losing value ~Haven't defined what is/isn't torture for all to hear ~Trade agreements are not even close to fair ~Ports left unprotected ~Definition of a terrorist is ever so vague ~GOP claims to have different degrees of Neo-Cons (but they all vote exactly the same) ~Swift-Boating John Kerry ~What is the Skull and Bones Society? ~Drownie was kept on the payroll ~Drownie was never fired ~Newt touring with Hillary ~How many soldiers in an Iraqi Batallion? ~Max Cleland was treated like a piece of shit ~Why were helicopters used to find the people, trying to escape the rising waters, pounding on their roofs from inside their attics? ~5 deferments ~Nuclear option ~Ethics committee couldn't get Cunningham 2 years after it was known that his house was sold to a defense contractor for $700,000 over its value as he lived on that contractor's yacht ~20% tax on land phone lines ~12% on cell towers ~Diesel fuel is 50 cents higher than gasoline ~Home by Christmas ~Establishing a democracy and not a Republic? ~Jeb doesn't have FEMA woes ~War profiteering ~Health care ~Armstrong Wil
Posted by: bibimimi~☆♪♪♪ ♡ at April 24, 2006 01:35 PM
Armstrong Williams ~Sure quote Lieberman a lot ~Caspian Sea pipeline ~If it's a Reform Bill or Deregulation Bill the result is never better quality or more affordability ~Cheney said he was glued to the TV all week like everyone else ~Christian values never reflected in legislation ~Jeff Gannon ~Nobody accountable for anything ~Smoking in the rotunda ~Loaded SCOTUS ~MZM ~Chuck Hagel was CEO of ES&S ~Offshore accounts of members ~No mistakes come to mind ~Niger ~Haley Barbour told us FEMA was there on Tuesday ~No scandals given credence ~Math is spun (math don't lie) ~Government is largest in over 200 years ~Looking under a desk for WMD's ~Non-combative protestors arrested ~Soviet Gulags ~Superdome ~Opium export in Afghanistan up 2000% ~Hannity is a Pussy ~Ready for a Category 6? ~Global warming ignored ~Hans Blix ~Pakistan earthquake money ~Private prison stockholders ~George H W Bush runs Pharma ~Ambassador to the Vatican? ~Rush never busted on possession charges ~Bill Bennett ~Joe Wilson ~Indian Casino lobbying for how much? ~We aren't safer ~SCOTUS chose our President ~Carnival cruise line contract after Katrina ~Able Danger ~Ken Lay ~Harken Energy ~Rupert Murdoch ~Blatant over-charges in Iraq and NOLA ~Bird Flu vaccine for only 20 million ~Name 4 pieces of legislation passed by the Republicans that Adolf Hitler would NOT have applauded as a good start.... - lpepsi2004, 04.22.2006
Posted by: bibimimi~☆♪♪♪ ♡ at April 24, 2006 01:37 PM