Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Reid All About It: Sen. Stonewall (D-NV)
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) Refuses To Pass Immigration Reform
Sen. Reid Used Procedural Motion To Try To Score Political Points On Immigration:
"Senate Minority Leader Reid Caught Republicans Off Guard Today With A Procedural Motion To Push The Senate To Move Into Conference With The House On Contentious Immigration Legislation." ("Hill Briefs," National Journal's CongressDailyPM, 6/5/06)
"Majority Whip McConnell, Who Said He Was 'Completely Unaware' That Reid Would Propose The Idea, Objected And Charged That Democrats Were Aiming To 'Embarrass The Other Chamber.'" ("Hill Briefs," National Journal's CongressDailyPM, 6/5/06)
Sen. Reid Refused To Work With Republicans On A Compromise:
"The Recently Enacted Senate Bill Faces A Potential 'Blue Slip' Problem With The House Because It Includes Tax Provisions That Have Not Been Passed By The House." ("Hill Briefs," National Journal's CongressDailyPM, 6/5/06)
"Republicans Were Hoping To Avoid The Problem By Bringing A House Tax Bill To The Senate Floor, Stripping Its Language And Inserting The Senate Immigration Bill. Reid Today Sought Unanimous Consent To Offer The House Immigration Bill To The Senate Bill In Order To Begin Negotiations." ("Hill Briefs," National Journal's CongressDailyPM, 6/5/06)
"McConnell Attempted To Seek Unanimous Consent To Move Forward With The GOP Strategy, But Reid Objected." ("Hill Briefs," National Journal's CongressDailyPM, 6/5/06)
"[Sen. Frist] Wants To Attach The Immigration Bill To A Tax Bill That Has Already Passed The House. It Would Then Proceed As Planned To A 'Conference Committee' ..." (Charles Hurt, "Illegals' Tax Deal Could Kill Bill," The Washington Times, 6/2/06)
Los Angeles Times: "Minority Leader Reid has refused to approve the plan, blocking Frist from proceeding." (Nicole Gaouette and James Gerstenzang, "Senate Border Bill Steps On House Turf," Los Angeles Times, 6/2/06)
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Statement By RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman On Dennis Hastert Becoming The Longest Serving Republican Speaker Of The House
Contact: Tracey Schmitt
Washington, D.C. – RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman released the following statement on Dennis Hastert becoming the longest serving Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives.
"Today, Dennis Hastert makes history by becoming the longest serving Republican Speaker of the House. More impressive than the length of Speaker Hastert's tenure is the leadership he's exhibited on behalf of Congress, his constituents and the country. His leadership has helped to change America's national defense, education system, tax structure, and energy policy for the better and in ways not imaginable when he became Speaker in 1999.
"In addition to being a great leader, Denny Hastert is a man of principle and determination. He is also a Speaker who understands the importance of listening. All Republicans should be thankful for Coach Hastert's steadfast dedication to his constituents, his country and his party."
Reid All About It: Sen. Stonewall (D-NV)
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) Refuses To Pass Immigration Reform
Sen. Reid Used Procedural Motion To Try To Score Political Points On Immigration:
"Senate Minority Leader Reid Caught Republicans Off Guard Today With A Procedural Motion To Push The Senate To Move Into Conference With The House On Contentious Immigration Legislation." ("Hill Briefs," National Journal's CongressDailyPM, 6/5/06)
"Majority Whip McConnell, Who Said He Was 'Completely Unaware' That Reid Would Propose The Idea, Objected And Charged That Democrats Were Aiming To 'Embarrass The Other Chamber.'" ("Hill Briefs," National Journal's CongressDailyPM, 6/5/06)
Sen. Reid Refused To Work With Republicans On A Compromise:
"The Recently Enacted Senate Bill Faces A Potential 'Blue Slip' Problem With The House Because It Includes Tax Provisions That Have Not Been Passed By The House." ("Hill Briefs," National Journal's CongressDailyPM, 6/5/06)
"Republicans Were Hoping To Avoid The Problem By Bringing A House Tax Bill To The Senate Floor, Stripping Its Language And Inserting The Senate Immigration Bill. Reid Today Sought Unanimous Consent To Offer The House Immigration Bill To The Senate Bill In Order To Begin Negotiations." ("Hill Briefs," National Journal's CongressDailyPM, 6/5/06)
"McConnell Attempted To Seek Unanimous Consent To Move Forward With The GOP Strategy, But Reid Objected." ("Hill Briefs," National Journal's CongressDailyPM, 6/5/06)
"[Sen. Frist] Wants To Attach The Immigration Bill To A Tax Bill That Has Already Passed The House. It Would Then Proceed As Planned To A 'Conference Committee' ..." (Charles Hurt, "Illegals' Tax Deal Could Kill Bill," The Washington Times, 6/2/06)
Los Angeles Times: "Minority Leader Reid has refused to approve the plan, blocking Frist from proceeding." (Nicole Gaouette and James Gerstenzang, "Senate Border Bill Steps On House Turf," Los Angeles Times, 6/2/06)
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Statement By RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman On Dennis Hastert Becoming The Longest Serving Republican Speaker Of The House
Contact: Tracey Schmitt
Washington, D.C. – RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman released the following statement on Dennis Hastert becoming the longest serving Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives.
"Today, Dennis Hastert makes history by becoming the longest serving Republican Speaker of the House. More impressive than the length of Speaker Hastert's tenure is the leadership he's exhibited on behalf of Congress, his constituents and the country. His leadership has helped to change America's national defense, education system, tax structure, and energy policy for the better and in ways not imaginable when he became Speaker in 1999.
"In addition to being a great leader, Denny Hastert is a man of principle and determination. He is also a Speaker who understands the importance of listening. All Republicans should be thankful for Coach Hastert's steadfast dedication to his constituents, his country and his party."