NY Congress report

Congress.org presents:

June 19, 2006

In this MegaVote for New York's 25th Congressional District:

Recent Congressional Votes -
* Senate: Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act
* House: Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act
* House: Declaring that the United States will prevail in the Global War on

Upcoming Congressional Bills -
* Senate: Defense Authorization bill
* House: Defense Appropriations Act, FY2007
* House: Voting Rights Act Reauthorization
* House: Legislative Line Item Veto Act

Recent Senate Votes:
Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act
Vote Agreed to (98-1, 1 Not Voting)

The Senate gave final approval to this $94.5 billion spending bill for military
operations in Iraq and Afghanistan and for hurricane relief.

Sen. Charles Schumer voted YES
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Sen. Hillary Clinton voted YES
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Recent House Votes:
Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act
Vote Passed (351-67, 14 Not Voting)

The House passed this bill approving $94.5 billion in emergency spending for
military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan and for hurricane relief.

Rep. James Walsh voted YES
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Declaring that the United States will prevail in the Global War on Terror
Vote Passed (256-153, 5 Present, 19 Not Voting)

The House approved this non-binding resolution declaring support for U.S.
efforts in the war on terror and rejecting a timetable for withdrawing troops
from Iraq.

Rep. James Walsh voted YES
Upcoming Votes:
Defense Authorization bill - S.2766
The Senate is scheduled to continue work on this bill authorizing $517.7 billion
in defense spending for the upcoming fiscal year. The debate is expected to
include discussion of troop withdrawal from Iraq.

Defense Appropriations Act, FY2007 - H.R.5631
This House bill would approve $427 billion in defense spending for the upcoming
fiscal year.

Voting Rights Act Reauthorization - H.R.9
This bill would extend the Voting Rights Act for another 25 years.

Legislative Line Item Veto Act - H.R.4890
The House is scheduled to vote on this measure giving the President the
authority to veto specific items in spending bills.
