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Homeland Security accepts fake ID
From Hussein Saddique
Monday, June 12, 2006; Posted: 7:19 p.m. EDT (23:19 GMT)

A man using a fake identification card was able to enter the Department of Homeland Security headquarters in Washington, even though the type of Mexican-issued "matricula consular" card he used is not recognized as valid by the United States government.

Retired New York City policeman Bruce DeCell, who had arranged to meet with DHS officials to lobby for document security, purposely used a forged version of identification that Mexican consulates in the United States issue to their nationals living here illegally, he told CNN.

Undocumented Mexicans can use the cards at banks and other institutions that accept them. The cards are not valid for entry into federal government buildings.

DeCell is a board member of a group called "9/11 Families for a Secure America," which he formed with others after losing his son-in-law in the 2001 terrorist attacks on New York.

His group advocates stricter controls against illegal aliens and wants to ban the use of the matricula cards.

"The card is an unsecure document that could facilitate terrorist money and travel," he said.

DeCell told CNN that a friend in California bought him the fake Mexican card, which he used last week for the Department of Homeland Security meeting.

"I sent him a passport-size photo and the spelling of my name, and he had the card made for me on the street," he said.


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"we need to get out of iraq without losing face."

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