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fcc update

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not good

Left off the front page

Jena 6 protests

Rather p.o.'ed

Government Sanctioned Sex

Bush Cries

Alberto Quits

Rove Quits.

Good Healthcare in 'Merica


Toxic Trailers, WTG FEMA!

internet radio alert


Maybe if they spent more time on policy and less time policing me and my cell phone. Paranoia of the people your paid to protect never works.

Classy Headline AOL, what did you say when Fallwell died?

If there is a heaven, I hope.

a dream come true!

come on dad, give me the car tonight... or RUT-ROH!

Marry someone who agrees with you politically.

Tammy Faye is tougher than me.

Not a Le Baron!

its my cell phone thats dead, not me.

While the world blinks in disbelief @ Gaza, operation phantom thunder

''creative pedagogy''

just want to know if you've got any bones in your closet...


on a personal note

And Who's That? Waiting in the Wings? The Republicans Worst Enemy and only Hope.

CIA Rendition Stuff

I support President Pardoning Libby, as well. Excellent political move.

G-8 news

Bye paul, hello sam!

Olmert's plans

oh, the wall.

something smells sharky