Fractured arrows and the whole truth.

April 6-8, 2007 -- The CIA's Counter-Proliferation Division (CPD) and British intelligence have evidence that then-Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney lost three nuclear weapons in 1991. This was later used as a pretext to create the phony Niger yellowcake uranium story in the event the nukes showed up in Iraqi hands. At least one of the nukes, however, ended up in the hands of North Korea. WMR has been told by a well-placed intelligence source in Britain that in early February 1991, the Pentagon sent out an emergency message rarely seen: three "Broken Arrows," or lost nuclear weapons in U.S. possession, were jettisoned in the Indian Ocean by a U.S. Air Force B-52, which had caught fire en route from Diego Garcia with three weapons of mass destruction being transported from South Africa after that nation began dismantling its nuclear weapons program. On a return emergency route back to the U.S. base on Diego Garcia, the crew of the aircraft disposed of the bombs to avoid a cook off of their heat-triggered fuses. The B-52 later crashed. The three bombs landed in shallow waters off the Somali coast. Rather than retrieve the weapons, Cheney and the Bush I administration sat on their hands. In May 1991, the bombs were allegedly recovered by mercenaries working for Zimbabwean arms dealer John Bredenkamp, who is close to the regime of Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe. The North Koreans have had a long standing military relationship with Mugabe and Bredenkamp.

Cheney's 1991 "lost" nukes: possible pretext for the invasion of Iraq and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people and the outing of a covert CIA network.

WMR has learned that, although there was speculation the lost nuclear weapons ended up in the hands of Iran (and a strong but false belief by Cheney and his neo-con advisers that they went to Iraq), at least one was transferred to North Korea. Dr. Stephen Dresch, a former Michigan legislator and head of Forensic Intelligence, Inc., who helped criminally link FBI agent Lindley DeVecchio and mobster Greg Scarpa, Sr. of the Colombo crime family, discovered that the lost U.S. nuclear weapons wound up on the international black market and his report on the incident reached MI-6 in December 2003. Dresch also attended, along with a professional photographer, the coroner's inquest of British Ministry of Defense weapons of mass destruction expert Dr. David Kelly in 2004. There is reason to believe that Kelly was fully aware that one of the lost nuclear weapons was transferred to North Korea by international arms smugglers and that this information was also known to Vice President Cheney. Dresch died last August at age 62 of lung cancer.
