So I'll come clean and admit it, I was wrong. And as a quasi member of the media, I shoulder some blame for becoming so complacent.
Read a great article out of South Africa that centered around the idea of Truth defeating Beauty in this election, that while Hillary represented a beautiful mask for our imperialism, Drumpf was the true honest face of it.
The country shifted to the left much further than it could handle these last 8 years, and even though I thought Hillary would swing it back in a slightly right course correction, I was extremely mistaken in giving the country the benefit of the doubt that there was a tacit agreement to never give the Oval Office to someone who is so egocentric they decline to be paid. As if being president is just a "favor" to America.
& in regards to the protesters, I can understand their anger and the feeling of impotence that accompanies caring about your country, but fuel to the fire is not what we need right now, especially in states that went blue. Florida, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, those would be some poignant places to plan a large protest. Portland... c'mon your embarassing us. Keep it Civil!!by all means, protest if you must, but remember, we've got four years of it ahead of us. And every dollar in damage is another lace in a jackboot.
Also, TGIATCQ! Couple weeks late maybe, but its good to hear Phife.
Read a great article out of South Africa that centered around the idea of Truth defeating Beauty in this election, that while Hillary represented a beautiful mask for our imperialism, Drumpf was the true honest face of it.
The country shifted to the left much further than it could handle these last 8 years, and even though I thought Hillary would swing it back in a slightly right course correction, I was extremely mistaken in giving the country the benefit of the doubt that there was a tacit agreement to never give the Oval Office to someone who is so egocentric they decline to be paid. As if being president is just a "favor" to America.
& in regards to the protesters, I can understand their anger and the feeling of impotence that accompanies caring about your country, but fuel to the fire is not what we need right now, especially in states that went blue. Florida, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, those would be some poignant places to plan a large protest. Portland... c'mon your embarassing us. Keep it Civil!!by all means, protest if you must, but remember, we've got four years of it ahead of us. And every dollar in damage is another lace in a jackboot.
Also, TGIATCQ! Couple weeks late maybe, but its good to hear Phife.